Sunday, November 29, 2009

No more "adore"!!!! Juz Jijie....

Hello Children...wat's up??!!I'm's 1 am n i'm so fucking bored! So how u kids doin???great???coz i know i am hehe...
I watched 2012 2day..yeah i know i lambat, but i dun really care!! i dun really like to go watch a movie n the room pack w ppl!!!mrimaskannn!!!!ok bout the movie, i give 6/10!!! ok laa but not that Awesome!!!i cry a lot! haha!!! crazy eyh!!!Adam Lambert song "Time for miracle" is Awesome!!!!I really like it!! i love it ;)...
So another movie to watch "Ninja Assasin" n "New Moon"...K i dunno bout "ninja assasin" but few of my fren said "New Moon" Bored! but they all guys laa so....u know laa!!!4 me "New Moon" not really a guy Movie!hahaha....Lovey Dovey kinda movie kann...hehe! "Which team r u?" seriously, i'm not into both of them...i know Edward Cullen is HOT n Jacob r CUTE! but i prefer ED Westwick haha ;)

Ok guys! i leave u w my fave song from The Smashing Pumpkin - Ava Adore, enjoy bye take care kids!

Miss Jijie :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Hello Kids!! Wat's up!!!! Hope u guys doin great/awesome! Everything was great lately, Thank Allah!! =)

So anyone watch Gossip Girl Season 3? Pretty Awesome huh..i LOVE GG!!!Esp Chuck Bass! n u know CB or i mean "Ed Westwick" hehe... have a Band "The Filthy Youth". Awesome!! The song are not so bad!!! :) -Come flash all your ladies is My fave!

Ok kids be safe...n Salam Aidiladha!!! Take care of urself K! Until next time kids!

LOVE...Jijie Adore ;)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Say my name babyyy......AAR!!!

Hey wat's up is my BDay! Hell yeahh OLD!huhu sad huh! Mood ok laa but yg sedey "HE" didn't remember or know it's my BDay!!! But yg x disangka2 his Bandmates lak yg wish me Happy Bday n his wall post was funny weyhh!!*I'm so sorry i kinda judge u before* Now i like u!!Haha ;)
For My dearest babes/bros TQ so much 4 the wishes!!!!!I LOVE U!!!muahhhhh...hehe may Allah Bless everyone of u!!! n My familia...LOVE u guys to Death!!!

Well i can't get enough of my Glittery fren here!!!Tyson n the band! AAR babyyy!!! I really like it when Ty started to talk so mgada2, like when "Dirty little secret" wow..T'goda tau!hahaha
n the part his weared the Native american hat w Chris drum beat!! It was Brilliant!!! so sexy babyyy!!!
check out this video - AAR Live from DIGI bkt jalil 31 oct 09